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Monday, August 2, 2010

So long to the mush!

Zach has decided within the past few days that he no longer wants baby food.  He turns his head every time I try to shove it in there.  Downside...I just bought a crap load of baby food for him.  Upside...this has made us eat at the table as a family and forced me to cook for myself because I'm cooking for him as well.
 This is mild compared to what it can look like!

We also had dinner with our friend Charisse who is getting ready to start law school at the University of Richmond.  We tried out a new restaurant in Suffolk called The Plaid Turnip.  It was actually pretty good!  Zach enjoyed it.  I'm not sure if you can tell by his shirt, but he did like it!
Charisse, Zach, Doug and myself at The Plaid Turnip

That is all for now...


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