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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

*~One Door Closes...~*

...Another one opens!!
So I'm set to graduate in just a few weeks after 10 long years of plugging along in college.  I seriously can't believe it has taken me this long!  When I think about the length of time I've spent in school, I get pretty irritated.  Changing majors, taking semesters off...I should have been done by now!!  But, at least I'll have my degree soon...hopefully.  I still have to finish that godforsaken paper.
So, since that door is finally closing (for now...maybe), another one opened for me today.  I've been applying for different types of jobs for the last couple of months and I hadn't heard back from ANY, except for one when they sent me an email that said "thanks, but no thanks".   This was probably my 11th job application, which I submitted Sunday night.  The ad in the paper said it was for an administrative associate/receptionist position at a pediatrics off.  "Doctors office?  That's not what she went to school for."  I know, I know.  This isn't my ideal position, but right now the teaching opportunities just aren't there for me.  It's a long complicated story.
So anyways.  I got a call yesterday afternoon from the office manager inviting me in for an interview today.  I thought it went very well.  She was very thorough and asked me about every position I held since 2003.  She explained the position and asked if I would be interested in something like that.  Duh lady, I need a job.  She showed me around and then said she would get back to me by the end of the week.  I left the office by 10:10 (from my 9:45 interview) and by 11:15 I already received word that she had contacted one of my references!  Around 12:30-12:45 I received a phone call from her offering me the position!!!  She said she didn't need to look at anymore applications and she thought I was perfect for the position.
Ok, so, the position is the administrative associate position and I will be working exclusively for one physician doing all of his scheduling, referrals, prescription refills, etc. etc.  I did that before when I worked at Bayside Family Practice in VA Beach, so I'm pretty familiar with how it goes.  The office has 9 providers and operates on a 4 day work week!  I'll work essentially 10 hour days (really 11, but an hour gets taken out for lunch).  I'm not sure what day I will have off, but Friday would be ideal!!!  4 days of work then 3 full days with Zach!  Perfect!!
Speaking of...I enrolled him in daycare today.  Sooooooo sad.  I really don't know how I'm going to leave him on his first day.  I don't know how you other working mommas do it!  But, it has to be done.  It will make his life a little better as far things that he needs.  The ONLY thing that sucks, besides paying out the butt for his tuition, is that I work till 6 and his daycare closes at 6.  Gonna have to work that out somehow.

Well, I guess that's about it for now.

Thank you everyone for all of your love and support!!


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

That's great! No, it isn't in your field of study, but that doesn't matter right now. You worked hard and got a college degree (!) and you are getting a job before you even graduate! And you said you sent in 11 applications....I was out of work for a month (this was AFTER I graduated, and had been applying to jobs all during my final semester) and I applied to about 6 per day...NONE were in my field!!! This sounds like it will be an enjoyable (or at least, not miserable) job. And a three day weekend would be awesome! Congrats!